Wednesday 16 January 2019

16/01/2019- Lady Gaga million reasons music video

Lady Gaga- Million reasons music video

Million Reasons music video- Lady Gaga

- her outfit is all in pink which is a common stereotype for girls as the colour pink is associated with girls and emotionality
- she is crying in the part in which she is looking in the mirror which is a clear sign and shows that there has been a heartbreak in her life and she is overthinking what has happened
- the fact that she is crying and shouting suggests that she is very weak and this is stereotypical for girls as they are usually seen as weaker than men
- there is a juxtaposition between the pink coloured clothes and the boy type cowboy hat, which implies that just because she is wearing pink does not mean that she is weak
- after she runs out of the car and is found laying on the ground, her friends run to her which implies that she does not need a man in her life because her friends are there for her to support her.

the song lyrically delves on ''heartbreak and hope'' during a relationship
- Lady Gaga's religious faith during the chorus, ultimately make the song with a positive message with hope
- as the song and its lyrics are based on a heartbreak, the message behind is that you should never give up and there is always hope even in the darkest days. '' i try to make the worst seem better''
- she trie to focus on the positive stuff even thought bad events have happened

- Beginning of video around 2 seconds in, you see Joanne Germanotta (Lady Gaga) rolling through a desert as if she had just jumped from a car. This could foreshadow future events, and it could also link to how Germanotta might feel her life was spinning out of control when she wrote the song. In addition to this, she could be seen as actually having a tantrum, and both theories link to how she might want to escape stardom, or that she's had enough and feels like she's about to break because of the pressure put on her. 
-At around 14 seconds, we see her finally stationary, lying down in the desert without much activity around her. It's like she feels completely alone in her battles as an artist in a cut-throat industry. It also could link to how deserts are famous for not having much life in them and being quite hostile, much like how Germanotta must feel at this time. It could connote to how she is burnt out from the music industry and that whatever complications she had with her significant other set her off the edge.
-After that scene, it cuts directly to a shot of multiple GMC Canyon SUVs stopping just beside the road to hat is most likely where Germanotta has found herself at this time. There are also multiple, some with pickups others as people carriers, which shows they are being utilised for quite a large production. This must mean that they are touring Germanotta around the country on one of those famous artist "tours" where they perform live in front of an audience. This then builds a better picture for the scene we've been put in, as it could mean that she not only has the stress of a breakup and the entire music industry, but also the stress of having to go across an entire country touring at different venues, which can often make one feel homesick. This could lead into the female stereotype of how they're depicted as emotional, and Germanotta might be feeling emotional due to a plethora of reasons.
-After a fade to black, it shows Germanotta in the back of one of the SUVs wearing a Gaga t-shirt, tinted glasses and a hat. The glasses+hat combo is something people always see in the music and film industry, as it is a very good way of hiding your face and/or emotions. For example, if a celebrity was seen crying on the street then the press would be all over that, which would send the celebrity into further stress. Moreover, if done correctly it can completely hide the identity of the wearer. In my opinion, I feel like she is wearing the items because of how she's had a rough day, wants to avoid most contact and wants to have some-what alone time while she can. However, returning to the shirt, it feels like she can't get away from the limelight no matter what, as her stage name is literally on her shirt right below her face. This gives context to how much of a celebrity she already is, if it wasn't obvious enough already.

-Million reasons to walk away, walk away from her job and popstar life, or from her last relationship
-Taken back home, not where she wants to be
-Being pandered to
-Being smothered
-Hat, associated with cowboys
-doesn't want to be found
-Other people offer support
-The male driver offers support
-Black and white, in front of the mirror, removing her emotions, as she has to continue the show.
-Friends offer support
-Religious ties, "Lord show me the way"*, the rosary, the priest
-*ties in with the fact that she is lost

-in the beginning, she is rolling around in the dirt, like she is having a temper tantrum. 

This song is about her being depressed with her life as a star, as shown in her reaction in the beginning of the video where she is either jumping out of a car or having a tantrum about her position. Also shown by her looking upset and angry in the car on the way back from the desert. While I'm on the subject the fact that she is out in the desert is proof that she is trying to run away from something, therefore she is in the desert. When she finally gets back to the studio? The screen goes black and white, to symbolize her emotional state, which is empty. She does not want to be where she is, but she is being ignored and has to put up with it. Hence the line "million reasons to let you go", meaning that she wants to stop her job.


Assumptions that are held about a social group.
They are oftehn used in a negative or prejudicial sense and are frequently used to justify certain discriminatory behaviours.
Stereotyping is an important concept in terms of representation.

Stereotypes on women:
- emotional
- slim
- nice hair
- alluring gaze
- beauty

Liesbet van Zoonen

- suggests gender is constructed through discourse, nd that its meaning varies according to cultural and historical context
- advocates that the very presentation of women's bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal control
- also presents that in mainstream culture, the visual and narrative codes that are used to construct the make body are different from those used to objectify the female body Codes- a system of words, letters, feminist theory

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