Friday 5 October 2018

Print Media- 5/10/2018

Print Media- 5th October 2018

Anchorage - Fixing of meaning e.g. the copy text anchors (i.e. fixes to one spot) the meaning of an image.
Banners – Typically found at the top or bottom of a print media text.
Broadsheet - Large format newspapers that report news in depth, often with a serious tone and higher level language. News is dominated by national and international events, politics, business, with less emphasis on celebrities and gossip. Examples: The Independent, The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph.
Byline - A journalist's name at the beginning of a story.
Captions – Text below an image that describes the image or informs the audience who took the image.
Copy - Main text of a story.
Coverlines – Captions on a magazine front cover.
Emotive Language – the use of language to generate specific emotional reactions in the target audience.
Headlines – The text highlighting the main story being given priority by the producers of the print media text. Often designed to be eye-catching.
Inverted pyramid structure - Newspaper stories start with the main events. Then they give more details and eyewitness comments in short paragraphs. The paragraphs at the end of the story are less important than those at the beginning. This allows sub-editors to shorten stories by cutting paragraphs from the end.
Layout – How the print media text has been designed and formatted.
Masthead - The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper’s title, price and date.
Sans Serif font – Font type which does not have lines perpendicular to the ends of letters e.g. Comic Sans – often seen as more contemporary. Think of Apple’s advertising
Serif font – Font type which does have lines perpendicular to the ends of letters e.g. Times New Roman – generally seen as more traditional or higher class.
Splash – The front page story
Sub-headings – Smaller, typically one line headlines for other stories.
Tabloid - Smaller newspapers aimed at a large audience. News is reported in less depth and emphasises human interest stories. The language level is lower, paragraphs and stories shorter, with more use of images. Content often includes more celebrities, media news and gossip. Examples: The Sun, The Mail, The Mirror, The Express
Text to image ratio – This involves considering how weighted the print media text is with regards to text and image – you need to ask yourself why the ratio exists.
Typography – The collective term when considering elements of print media relating to the style of the text such as the font, colour, serif, sans serif etc. 

Header- a common text that is printed on the top of every page. Includes page number and heading above each collumn or paragraph. 
Denotation- literally what we are seeing, reading
Connotation- the implied meaning 
Saturated colours- refers to the intensity of a colour, it is a colour in its purest form. Bright colours which stand out , especially when set against ''complimentary colours''
Muted colours/unsaturated colours- Darker and dull colours, no light and brightness into them. Less eye catching but still work effectively. 
Tag- a keyword or phrase used to group a collection of content together or to assign a piece of content to a specific person. Goes underneath the coverlines.

The skyline of the front of the newspaper is effective as it says that is it is ''free'' and it is written in sans serif font-bold which makes it stand out and attract the attention of the viewers therefore more people will buy it. This excites the viewer and attracts them. 
Secondly, the masthead is as well written in sans serif font with capitals which puts importance to it and makes it look very significant. Also, the yellow colour used is a saturated colour which is contrasted to the other colours as they are muted and unsaturated colours, which catches the reader's eye and is highly effective. In contrast to the masthead the other headlines are in a very simple white colour so they are less eye catching. The overall view of the newspaper is quit dull and dark as the background includes unsaturated colours mainly grey and brown which can be used in order to represent the battle as the actress of Wonder Women- Gal Gadot is from the Amazon which links to the context and the place she is from. Moreover, the position she is in and the shields she is wearing shows power and dominance as the metal represents force. The connotations are that she looks very incontrovertible and unfightable. 
In society it is accepted that men are dominant over women however by the looks of the women show that she looks like she would be the one who has the power and therefore in this case she is the dominant one but not the men.
The feminists believe in the theory and in the two roles of the two genders. Males as the instrumental role and women as the oppressed. However, in this newspaper she is presented in the light of a very strong and independent person which is trying to make women be equal to men. She also, fights this theory and tries to prove it wrong. Women we usually acting as ''housewifes'' and looking at the household and were responsible for the domestic duties and cores. However, by her representation in this newspaper she looks like she is fighting this associations and theories as she is a ''warrior'' women. This is also seen through the sword and shield that are seen on the front page. The unsaturated colours give a very serious tone and hold the connotations of a batte which furthermore link to the fact that it was the era of ww1. 

This representation of ``wonder woman`` can be both very effective and unaffcetive at the same time. It is effective, given that it shows women as being powerful and fights some stereotypes about them such as that women only care about their outside look, that they have to stay at home as ``housewifes`` and take care of the domestic chores, and that they are weak and unable to do things that are usually done by men however the magazine and her representation show the opposite that women are very capable of doing many men obligations and it shows as well that women are strong, idependent and powerful individuals which should not be underestimated. 
On the other hand, this is an unaffective media representation as there could be a great amount of audience loss because she is wearing more clothing than before and the tone is much more serious than before. The audience is more used to seeing less clothing on ``wonder women`` especially men and this is because that is what draws their attention and the fact that she is wearing a lot of clothing  this time may result in loosing mainly the male audience, which is still a lot. 
The representation of ``wonder women`` also creates a counterstereotype (an idea or object that goes against a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment.)  in women during her time (WW1). At the time of ww1 women were again expeted to act like housewifes however her dresscode shows that she is capable of taking part in the actual war and fight. 
Wonder women was an Amazonian superhero and the Princess of Themyscira and this emphasises her dominance and power she consisted of. She was an only women on the island and therefore she was doing everyone else`s jobs and was very independent. However, in the past usually men were the heroes which shows that the gender roles have changed and this once again goes against the stereotype that men are heroes. The fact that she is actually a hero and that she is defeatable is symbolised by the gauntlets on her wrists which are used to deflect bullets so that she will survive. 
She is looking straight at the camera and this creates a strong eye contact and direct mode of address. Her facial expressions show that she is very serious and also that she is very strong mentally. It also shows her readiness for a battle or a war. She has her hands in fist postion which furthermore emphasise her readiness, assurance and certitude in herself. Also, the her fists symbol her strength and virtue. 
In conclusion, the media representation is very effective and represent ``Wonder Women`` as a very strong, powerful and confident person and with some qualities of men. 

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