Wednesday 3 October 2018

Health check quiz answers- 3/10/2018

Health Check Quiz Answers- 3rd October 2018

Q: 1.   What is media.

Q. 2. List at least 5 different types of media that exist from your timeline research task.

Q.3.   what is web 2.0? what does web 2.0 offer to consumers compared to web1.0.

Q.4  What are the four main elements used to analyse a music video/film/tv media text.


Q 5. In Prof. S. Hall’s theory on encoding and decoding there are three ways in which a media text can be decoded.   Describe them below

2.     -

Q. 5 Define representation

Q.6 Define stereotype

Q. 7 Define counter-stereotype.

Q.8  Define working Class.

Q.9 list five media stereotypes associated with the working class

Q. 10 list four black racial stereotypes .

Q.11 identify the four stereotypes associated with Alvardo

Q.12 discuss Butsch theory on the representation of the working class (1992)

Q.14. Discuss Newman (2006) theory on the representation of the working class

Q.15 Shildrick and MacDonald (2007) suggested that the poor are ________  _____    _______________ (complete the sentence).


1. Media is a  way to communicate information from person to person. Modern media must go out to a lot of people which means ,ass production.


3. Web 2.0 is more advanced and offers more applications. Web 1.0 offers limited information and only one direction in communication. Whereas 2.0 enables users to speak back to the website. 

4. Editing
Camera work
Mise en Scene 

5. The preferred- When the tex is read in the way the producerr intended it to be read.
Negotiated- accepting some of the message but not all of it. 
The opposition- The reader rejects the preferred reading

5. How media presents and shows different ideas on a particular thing or topic. 

6. An idea or assumption held 

7. The positive representation of something ignoring the negative. 

8.  individuals engaged in manual works including low educational achievement. The working class jobs include factory based jobs.

9. not clever
swear a lot
depend on benefits

10. violent
gangs/ members of gangs
eats chicken
drug dealers
good at dancing
poor (depends) 
socially disfunctional

11. Exotic (odd)

12. That the working class is portrayed as flawed individuals. (Butsch's theory)

14. Presented the working class in a negative light.  (Newman's theory)

15. Shildrick and macDonald suggested that the poor are undeserving of sympathy.

Video analysis- shots 

  • The old man is homeless
  • There is black shadows on his eyes which create sympathy and emphasise the sadness
  • The shot is a close shot, focusing on his facial expressions and emotions
  • He has a beard showing that he is unable to take care of himself
  • Needy
  • Blur background implying that the future is no hope for the future 
  • Links to Shildrick's and Macdonald's theory however it goes against it as they say that the poor are undesrving of sympathy however the image shows the opposite as the audience can see that he is need and feel sympathy towards him

  • He is looking up to heaven symbolising that he is hoping for a better life
  • Standing in front of a food shop suggesting that he is beginning for money
  • Stereotypical for homeless people to beg for money and food.
  • No care taken of himself.
  • Rough
  • Old, dirty

  • High up shot makes the person look insignificant and miserable,  makes the people lookdown on them
  • Hopeless
  • Pitied
  • Shows race- black. Stereotypes on black people are: smoking, being gang members, taking drugs
  • Lower class
  • Supports Newman's theory on presenting the working class in a negative light

  • Prostitute
  • going in the dark not knowing where she is going 
  • short dress suggesting that she is a prostitute
  • the colour of the dress- red is a provoking and challenging colour
  • working class women
  • no light to where she is going 
  • lost

  • Extremely close shot
  • focuses on his face, emotions and facial expressions but not on the society
  • explores different ethnicities and race
  • needy
  • explores his emotions
  • eye contact looking straight at you which creates more sympathy
  • links to MacDonald's theory and goes against it as it shows that the poor people in need are deserving help

  • Working class
  • thinking about life
  • they have  roof over their head, but is not where they want to live
  • shaved, taken care of himself unlike the other people from the other images
  • dark, gloomy background implying sadness 
  • colours are unsaturated and grainy
  • dark shadow on his face
  • the place he lives in is quit rundown and demolished

  • does not want to be seen
  • red colour is intimate
  • sadness 
  • shows depression maybe as a result of the drugs she may be taking
  • maybe she is on drugs, stereotypical for working class
  • lost

  • hopeless
  • working class
  • angelic- therefore lost
  • to be pitied
  • young girl as a part of the youth
  • she looks innocent and pure

Emily Sande- sky
  • creates a contrast to the other backgrounds
  • bright, light  blue, saturated colours, implying hope
  • ''i wake with good intentions'' as the blue sky symbolises optimism, hope and purity
  • high pitch puts importance on what she is singing at the moment

Black boy

  • Little black boy, young and innocent
  • he is alone which can mean that he has been desciriminated as he is black
  • explores different races
  • This links to Alvardo's theory of danger as the boy is alone
  • dark, gloomy, murky background is used to portray/illustrate the situation the boy is in (being discriminated)
  • the facial expression show that he is about to cry

2 black little girls

  • creates a contrast to the dark themes
  • shows that the video is not just based on the negativity of the society but shows also some positive aspects
  • childhood is presented as the audience can see that the two little girls are playing
  • repeated picture of black people suggesting that Emily Sande is trying to present in this video the idea that we are all equal no matter of our race or skin colour and we need to respect eachother. 
  • light, positive, overwhelming, happy colours
  • cheerful and playful, bright colours 

Men laying on the street- homeless
  • the men is clearly homeless
  • the fact that he is homeless makes people and the audience feel pitty and sympathy towards him.
  • Going against the theory of Shildrick and MacDonald (poors are undeserving of symapthy) beause after seeing a man like that most people will feel sorry for him and be ready to help him
  • the background (its light colours) creates a contrast between the men and the surroundings as the place he is in is quit busy and positive whereas when you see this homeless man you no longe see the positiveness of the place
  • begging

Men with scarf and blue bag 

  • this men is showed for the second time in the video therefore this puts importance on him
  • the camera shows a high up shot on him therefore it makes people look down on him
  • low class, poor, homeless
  • he is not respected by society as he is most likel homeless and therefore does not work and does not contribute into the society.
  • he is looking up to heaven which suggests that he is praying for a better future for him
  • Macdonald's and Shildrick's theory- against it 
  • Newman's and Butch's theories- supports them as the low class men is presented in a negative light and is presented as a 'flawed' individual
  • the background is brighter therefore it suggests that the place can become better and happier in the future
Street with black kids in it 
  • focuses on the black race and black society 
  • it is stereotyped that the blacks are usually members of gangs such as the two black boys at the back
  • Emily Sande is trying to emphasise on the fact that we must respect and treat black people equally and in a good way
  • the houses look like they are council houses
  • the people living there may be depending on benefits
  • working class people
  • there in a group (all black) which may be because the other kids from different races did not want to play with them.
All black background (repeated person)
  • this man has already been shown in the video however he is been shown for a second time which icreases his importance which furthermore increases the sympathy towards him by the viewers
  • the background is of muted colours, black and dark which suggest that he is lost as he may be in a very bad situation that he can`t escape from, as if he is in a black whole
  • direct contact is made as he is looking directly at you. 
  • eye contact is effective
  • all of this points create sympathy and therefore this goes against of the theory of Macdonald and Shildrick.
Person sleeping on the ground under a pink blanket 

  • homeless person
  • underclass, lower class
  • there is light in the picture which empahises the fact that there is hope for this person in the future
  • the blanket is childish and in baby pink which is a very saturated and light colour which can have two different possible interpretations. The first one is that it can be the symbol which is used in order to represent or symbolise the hope or the symbolise that not everyone`s life is seen through ``rose tinted glass`` and is not that easy for some people
  • saturated colours, bright, white
  • the light is very bright 
  • the white, bright light and background have connotations of innocence and purity. The clothes the girl is wearing are made of silk which emphasises purity even more.

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