Task 1- define
your audience using the following AUDIENCE SEGMENTATION model (20
Socio economic: GEARS
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Age
- Region 9 regional identity
- Socio-economic

For each part of the acronym state what will be in the advert (in terms of media language/representation) to attract your audience, use the brief to help establish the target audience profile.
The genders are targetted both females and males.
All ethnicities are targetted including both white and black. For example i have 2 different models from different ethnicities- a white and a black boy.
The age targetted for the adverts is 16-21 as shown in my advert where the model is a 16 year old female.
Region 9 regional identity
The region that the advert is symbolising is the Essex region as there is Essex stereotypes displayed through the advert for example the girl is wearing a red lipstick which is a common stereotype used to describe the girls from Essex.
As the advert is for ``Just Eat`` therefore the socio-economic classes targetted are mainly the middle class or lower middle class. Therefore in order to portray that this is the class targetted this will be shown through the way the model is dressing- the type of clothes they are wearing.
Task 2

The Aspirer & The Succeeder
My advert will be targetted to attract The Succeeders and The Explorers. In order to attract them my model will be from a middle class and will be wearing new branded clothes showing they are always looking at the new stuff that has just came out. The Aspirer will be attracted as they are materialistic people who mainly judge based on the appereance and image of the persona.
Task 3- survey on the adverts
Survey- MonkeySurvey
Question 1: What`s your age?
- 16 or younger
- 16-21
- 21-25
- 25 or older
Question 2: What`s your gender
- female
- male
- other- please specify below
Question 3: If you can change something what would it be?
- the location of the advert
- the font
- the logo
- the slogan
- the colours of the advert
- the appearance of the model in the advert
- something else- please specify what
something else:
Question 4: Knowing that the target audience is 16- 25 year olds how successfully do you think the advert represents/portrays that?
- very successfully
- fairly successfully
- not very successfully
- not successfully at all
Question 5: Depending on your answer in q4 please state why you think that
Question 6: In your own words, state one thing you really like about the advert which makes it effective.
Question 7: In your own words, state 2 things you do not like as much about the advert and would like to change in order to make it more effective.
Question 8: According to you and your personal taste, what advert of the following appeals to you the most (judging on the font, location, slogan, how successfully it relates to the essex culture and its stereotypes, the target audience, and socio economic- the social class represented)
- Advert 1
- Advert 2
Question 9: How likely are you to order something from `Your Food` services after having a look at the potential adverts?
- very likely
- fairly likely
- not very likely
- not likely at all
Question 10: How successfully do you think the adverts represent the Essex culture and the stereotypes held upon the Essex region.
very successfully
fairly successfully/ to some extent
not very successfully
not successfully at all
very successfully
fairly successfully/ to some extent
not very successfully
not successfully at all
Question 11: Depending on your answer for Question 9, what things from the adverts made you make this decision?
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