Friday 15 February 2019

Advertising research- 15/02/2019

Advertising Research

Example of images that can be adopted and used in my advert for food take away. 

Image result for food take away adverts

Related imageImage result for food takeaway advertsRelated image
Related imageRelated image
Related image
Image result for is not u when u hungry

Image result for people advertising food

Related image

Image result for is not u when u hungry

Related imageImage result for is not u when u hungry

Related image

Strapline- a subsidiary heading or caption in a newspaper or magazine
Tagline- a catchphrase or slogan, especially as used in advertising, or a punchline of a joke
Slogan- a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising.

Potential/ example slogans/taglines

- The taste of joy
- Full of goodness, full of value
- What you want, is what you will get
- Have a taste of goodness
- Do you believe in magic
- Unbelievable... but true
- Your food, your best choice
- Your food... best food/ your food, best food
- Chose Your Food, make your dreams come true

Related to Essex culture/ stereotypes
- At the end of the day, we all chose Your Food ( Essex related)
- Shut up, eat Your Food (Essex related)
- Get messy, get Your Food

Possible shooting locations
- inside locations eg: in a kitchen
- inside a restaurant, food place in general

Shoot Locations

Statement of intent 
  • 350 words
  • write how the advert links to LIAR

For advert & to write about
  • Font
  • colour
  • masthead
  • header
  • typography ( the font and shrift) ( serif/ sans serif and why it is used)
  • mode of address
  • logo
  • font
  • mise en scene
  • same strapline 
LYNX advert
  • purple tones royal colour, shows power and importance
  • angel links to religion
  • white links to purity, innocence and cleanliness linking it back to the fact that they are advertising a spray, deodrant
  • Get girls if you wear it
  • ``even angels will fall`` implies that even girls/angels have sides, and this angel must have done something bad have fallen from heaven to earth
  • there is always a bad side to a girl
  • the white is not pure white but a dull and dirty white symbolising the rebellion 
  • there is a women used in this advert in order to seduce men as the target market of this product is males. 
  • as long as you just use/ wear this spray this will lead to even the angels coming down to earth for you because of the smell of the deodrant
  • feminism- Van Zoonen
  • stereotype- women being objectified

Slogan to be the same 
Strapline to be different

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