Friday 21 September 2018

Representation of regional identity- 21/09/2018

Representation of regional identity

Accents vary within the different regions of England. For example in the north people are seen to have a very strong accent. They are very talkative however argumentative too as they fight more because of their different points of view. Most people in the north are working classes therefore they are on a low status in  the patriarchy. Furthermore, they're shown to be quit aggressive and nervous which leads them to arguing and fighting. 

The paper which is shown above shows a typical working class family. The family consists of 7 people in the family where all of the kids are at very young ages. Therefore, this shows that if the parents are not working and are unemployed then it will be a real struggle to live like that and to take care of the kids, as they have really high costs and things that should be payed for them. The word ''vile'' and ''welfare'' have very negative connotations which makes the family look needy and furthermore it shows that they must be lazy as they haven't found a job yet and are still unemployed.

The word ''product'' implies that the people and especially the kids are seen as just objects and compared to that which is very inhumane.

Also, the readers will spot that the kids are wearing very old and rugged clothing which is a result of the unemployment and the situation they're. The benefits that they receive are also probably not enough as the kids look that they are not taken much care of and are not treated well.

Episode from Shameless- analysis of class

The episode of ''Shameless'' focuses and explores the typical lifestyle and behaviour of the working class people.
To start of with, the Mise en Scene begins of by focusing with a wide shot of the council houses which links to the stereotype that working class and poor people live there, as they are unemployed and depend on the benefits they are given by the British system.

Secondly, my first impression of these working class people is that they are presented in a very negative way as disrespectful rude people as they swore a lot throughout the whole episode, eg: 'fucked'. This implies that the parental skills are very poor as they do not teach their kids to be nice, kind, tolerant towards others but they are completely the opposite. However, for them this was accepted as a normal way of talking and a normal type of behaviour.

Furthermore, this is even more exaggerated when the older people were being over-sexual and displayed very inappropriate behaviour in front of the young kids. The swearing by the adults shows that they are not a good example for their kids. Their clothig is clearly seen to be very old and rugged. This implies that as they are dependent on the benefits given to them they do not have enough money to afford good and more expensive clothing neither for themselves or their kids. Also, this suggests that they are very informal and not representative at all. Their outside look implies that they do not really look after themselves or take care.

Another thing that catched my attention was the fact that the adults were very violent and disrespectful towards eachother. An example of this is when one of the boys was shouting at the girl and pushed another boy while they were arguing. Examples of other negative views were when the people were smoking and drinking beers all the time. They were always drinking and smoking fags. This is very stereotypical for the working-poor class people as they believe that this is the only way they can get through life and release thw stress by smoking and drinking. This can be because they ae always short of money as they are unemployed therefore it causes them to be nervious and restless so they use smoking and drinking to calm them down and get them out of this situations, however that`s not the right way to escape the situations they`re in. This stress that they experience and go through causes them to become more aggressive and become even more violent which in this episode is shown whe they have conflicts with the police which presents them in a very rebellious and negative light.

Another scene in which thet were presented in a unfavorable light is when in the beginning of the episode the men could not handle being in the kitchen, cooking and caused a fire which shows that these working class people are very disfunctional and cannot cope with many things which is very stereotypical for them. This hghlights that in the circle of the working class people men are not seen as very powerful as they are presented as being very irresponsible.

Other important aspects that i focused on were the music. Throughout most of the episode the music playing in the background was quit playful, humorous and not serious at all, which outlines the mood of the episode of ``Shameless`` showing that the negative things seen by us are not taken seriously by them and are not a great deal that they worry about. Also, the violence explored was normalised reflected by the humorous music playing, showing that it is something completely normal for them.

The camera work was focusing very closely each time on the important characters showing that we shold pay more attention to them. And also it was focusing over many aspects, places and exploring different behaviours therefore the camera work was reflecting their chaotic lifestyle.The character`s voices were very high pitch in order to show that they were irritated, angry and argumentative. Furthermore, showing that they is almost no calmness when living with them.

The scenes were very fast phased highlighting the chaos arround and showing how insane their lifes are. And lastly, the background of the whole episode and all the different places explored was dark and dull and with no lighting which could have been used to symbolise their lifes and that there isn`t even a single positive light in them and in their futures.

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