In Bob We Trust
The Big Issue
You will analyse the media language and media representation of the xxx issue of the Big Issue “In Bob we trust” . To what extent does the Magazine diverge from mainstream/rightwing depictions of the poor/homeless. Why is the magazines remit an important factor in the way the magazine represents homelessness? Discuss the social and political context of homelessness…Discuss the impact of homelessness in Britain today from your research.
are the views on the homless stereoypical or counter stereotypical
- apply theories
- analyse the media language and representation
- editing
- mise en scene
- camera work
- sound

Moreover, by saying ''In Bob we trust'' could imply the emphasis James is putting onto his cat- Bob and emphasising how lucky he is to have met him. As for many people God is the most important person in their lifes, for James, his cat Bob is. He was the individual who turned his whole life around and into better showing him and symbolising the hope in his life. James was in a very desperate situation therefore he could not ask anyone for help or support so Bob actually saved his hopeless life.
As we know, James became homeless and therefore turned into drugs becoming a drug addict. Turning into drugs can often be as a result of family problems and having rough time, not having anyone on your side you can trust or ask for help and also due to financial problems. Therefore people go into drugs in order to escape the reality and the problems they are having however at one point you realise that this not a permanent solution but for only a period of time. However, for some individuals there is always a specific reason to their life around and for James the reason was Bob. As he says in an interview before Bob came int his life, while he was still a drug addict he was very selfish, only thinking about himself and the drugs he was going to take. However, after Bob came he states that this is what changed him significantly, he started taking care of him and not only looking at himself, therefore that was his first step of changing into better.
Looking at the homelessness around the UK and in general there is millions of homeless people. Usually the majority looks upon the homeless people with the negatove stereotypical views. An example of this is that
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