Media language- how the media communicate meanings through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques.
Media representation- how the media portray events, issues, individual and social groups.
The main colour used in this cover is the bright yellow colour. This colour represents energy, positivism and muscle energy which can be linked to what the shot shows- a girl which has a very nice body. The colour yellow used is a saturated colour. The shot used is a mid shot and allows the audience to have a better view at her body and not on the face, as the main point of this advert is to show the body, not the face. The target market is mostly women as there is a girl in the advert and it is asking whethever other girls have their body ready in order to go to the beach and show it. The shot of this girl with a nice body form can be offensive as it portrays to the audience that all women at this kind of age should have a body like this, however not every girl is that fit therefore other girls with different body forms may be offended and feel like there is no respect toward them and other types of body forms. Also, the mode of address used by the girl is very serious, she is standing on her knees and we can see that she is looking directly at the camera creating a direct address.
The bright, saturated colour is very attractive and attracts the attention of the audience. If it was a dark, unsaturated, muted colour it would not catch the eye of people.
The advert emphasises the female sexuality.
The sharp images, emphasises the shape of the body and helps to focus the attention of the audience onto the body parts of the girl.
The angle of the shot is looking straight at the girl it builds up the relationship between the audience and the model as looking straight implies being on the same level. Also, the advert represents protein supplement intake therefore looking straight up means being on the same level therefore this links to the fact that people should take the suitable protein intake.
The advert focuses on the body forms of females however it emphasises the stereotypes that all females should be skinny.
The font shows that she is standing on the left. The headline is in bold which implies its importance and significance. The image is very sexualised too. it explores the main themes of gender, age and sexuality.
The Big Issue
The Big Issue is a street newspaper founded by John Bird and Gordon Roddick in September 1991 and published in four continents. The Big Issue is one of the UK's leading social businesses and exists to offer homeless people, or individuals at risk of homelessness, the opportunity to earn a legitimate income, thereby helping them to reintegrate into mainstream society. It is the world's most widely circulated street newspaper.
In 1995, The Big Issue Foundation was founded to offer additional support and advice to vendors around issues such as housing, health, personal finance and addiction.
Vendors buy The Big Issue for £1.25 and sell it for £2.50. Each seller is a micro-entrepreneur who is working, not begging. We have helped over 92,000 vendors, some of the most vulnerable people in the country, earn over £115 million in the last 25 years. Currently there are around 1500 vendors up and down the UK who last year alone earned a total of £5.5 million through selling the magazine.
It is a hand up not a hand out. It gives the opportunity for homeless people to actually recover and rehabilitates them, it does not just give them money because they're beginning. It produces them with a source of income, that can help the homeless people come out of their situation and stabilise them.
Political context
Left wing politics: they support social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality.
egalitarianism- the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.
Right wing politics: the political right opposes socialism and social democracy, right wing parties include conservatives, nationalists and on the far right racists and fascists.
nationalists- an extreme form of patriotism marked by feeling of superiority over other countries.
fascists- a political system, based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed.
The right wing newspapers The left wing newspapers
- The Sun - The Mirror
- The times - The Guardian
- The Telegraph
- The daily Mail
- The evening Standard
The cat ''Bob'' is used in order to symbolise the hope in the life of the person. As the person was very desperate as soon as the cat appeared, it became the reason for the men to actually start improving and trying to come out of the difficult situation he was in. Furthermore, he was a drug addict and as Bob appeared he started believing that it was an obligation to rehabilitate and become clean and actually stabilise himself.

Question to answer on Friday
remit- giving a hand up not a hand down
- are the views on the homless stereoypical or counter stereotypical
- apply theories
- analyse the media language and representation
- editing
- mise en scene
- camera work
- sound
You will create an essay:
You will analyse the media language and media
representation of the xxx issue of the Big Issue “In Bob we trust” . To what extent does the Magazine diverge
from mainstream/rightwing depictions of the poor/homeless. Why is the magazines remit an important
factor in the way the magazine represents homelessness? Discuss the social and political context of
the impact of homelessness in Britain today from your research.
remit- giving a hand up not a hand down
- are the views on the homless stereoypical or counter stereotypical
- apply theories
- analyse the media language and representation
- editing
- mise en scene
- camera work
- sound
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