Representation of regional identity
Accents vary within the different regions of England. For example in the north people are seen to have a very strong accent. They are very talkative however argumentative too as they fight more because of their different points of view. Most people in the north are working classes therefore they are on a low status in the patriarchy. Furthermore, they're shown to be quit aggressive and nervous which leads them to arguing and fighting.
The paper which is shown above shows a typical working class family. The family consists of 7 people in the family where all of the kids are at very young ages. Therefore, this shows that if the parents are not working and are unemployed then it will be a real struggle to live like that and to take care of the kids, as they have really high costs and things that should be payed for them. The word ''vile'' and ''welfare'' have very negative connotations which makes the family look needy and furthermore it shows that they must be lazy as they haven't found a job yet and are still unemployed.
The word ''product'' implies that the people and especially the kids are seen as just objects and compared to that which is very inhumane.
Also, the readers will spot that the kids are wearing very old and rugged clothing which is a result of the unemployment and the situation they're. The benefits that they receive are also probably not enough as the kids look that they are not taken much care of and are not treated well.
Episode from Shameless- analysis of class
The episode of ''Shameless'' focuses and explores the typical lifestyle and behaviour of the working class people.
To start of with, the Mise en Scene begins of by focusing with a wide shot of the council houses which links to the stereotype that working class and poor people live there, as they are unemployed and depend on the benefits they are given by the British system.
Secondly, my first impression of these working class people is that they are presented in a very negative way as disrespectful rude people as they swore a lot throughout the whole episode, eg: 'fucked'. This implies that the parental skills are very poor as they do not teach their kids to be nice, kind, tolerant towards others but they are completely the opposite. However, for them this was accepted as a normal way of talking and a normal type of behaviour.
Furthermore, this is even more exaggerated when the older people were being over-sexual and displayed very inappropriate behaviour in front of the young kids. The swearing by the adults shows that they are not a good example for their kids. Their clothig is clearly seen to be very old and rugged. This implies that as they are dependent on the benefits given to them they do not have enough money to afford good and more expensive clothing neither for themselves or their kids. Also, this suggests that they are very informal and not representative at all. Their outside look implies that they do not really look after themselves or take care.
Another thing that catched my attention was the fact that the adults were very violent and disrespectful towards eachother. An example of this is when one of the boys was shouting at the girl and pushed another boy while they were arguing. Examples of other negative views were when the people were smoking and drinking beers all the time. They were always drinking and smoking fags. This is very stereotypical for the working-poor class people as they believe that this is the only way they can get through life and release thw stress by smoking and drinking. This can be because they ae always short of money as they are unemployed therefore it causes them to be nervious and restless so they use smoking and drinking to calm them down and get them out of this situations, however that`s not the right way to escape the situations they`re in. This stress that they experience and go through causes them to become more aggressive and become even more violent which in this episode is shown whe they have conflicts with the police which presents them in a very rebellious and negative light.
Another scene in which thet were presented in a unfavorable light is when in the beginning of the episode the men could not handle being in the kitchen, cooking and caused a fire which shows that these working class people are very disfunctional and cannot cope with many things which is very stereotypical for them. This hghlights that in the circle of the working class people men are not seen as very powerful as they are presented as being very irresponsible.
Other important aspects that i focused on were the music. Throughout most of the episode the music playing in the background was quit playful, humorous and not serious at all, which outlines the mood of the episode of ``Shameless`` showing that the negative things seen by us are not taken seriously by them and are not a great deal that they worry about. Also, the violence explored was normalised reflected by the humorous music playing, showing that it is something completely normal for them.
The camera work was focusing very closely each time on the important characters showing that we shold pay more attention to them. And also it was focusing over many aspects, places and exploring different behaviours therefore the camera work was reflecting their chaotic lifestyle.The character`s voices were very high pitch in order to show that they were irritated, angry and argumentative. Furthermore, showing that they is almost no calmness when living with them.
The scenes were very fast phased highlighting the chaos arround and showing how insane their lifes are. And lastly, the background of the whole episode and all the different places explored was dark and dull and with no lighting which could have been used to symbolise their lifes and that there isn`t even a single positive light in them and in their futures.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Representation - 19/09/2018
Representation- 19/09/2018
They can broadly be seen as right wing, with a strong libertarian flavour and a dash of social conservatism. An end to the age of "mass uncontrolled immigration". It wants a five year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement - and any future migration must be strictly limited to those who can "clearly be shown to benefit the British people as a whole and our economy". Immigrants would not be able to apply for public housing or benefits until they had paid tax for five years. In order to achieve these goals Britain would have to leave the EU because there are no restrictions on other EU citizens moving to the UK while it remains a member.
Migration is presented in a negative way. Mostly, the people migrating into England are muslims. However, people believe that this will bring risks such as islamophobia. The headline ''breaking point'' is written in bold and red because it symbolises the danger and is used as a warning that migration is breaking and happening.
They can broadly be seen as right wing, with a strong libertarian flavour and a dash of social conservatism. An end to the age of "mass uncontrolled immigration". It wants a five year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement - and any future migration must be strictly limited to those who can "clearly be shown to benefit the British people as a whole and our economy". Immigrants would not be able to apply for public housing or benefits until they had paid tax for five years. In order to achieve these goals Britain would have to leave the EU because there are no restrictions on other EU citizens moving to the UK while it remains a member.
Migration is presented in a negative way. Mostly, the people migrating into England are muslims. However, people believe that this will bring risks such as islamophobia. The headline ''breaking point'' is written in bold and red because it symbolises the danger and is used as a warning that migration is breaking and happening.
The inbetweeners
3: you will be required to copy the common stereotypes and theories used by the
media in the representation of the following groups.
After watching the Inbetweeners i can see that the youth is presented as fun and troubled at the same time.
The scene where one of the boys was talking to his mother was seen to be fun and humoristic, however from being fun it went to being quit serious where the boy became worried about his mother which changed the atmosphere and tone.
Moreover, throughout the episode there was a lot of swearing therefore this mirrors the stereotypes of the youth-youngs are found to be very rude, using bad and inappropriate language. Words such as ''fuck'', ''fucked'' and ''bloody hell'' where repeated many times in order to shows that the stereotypes are right and represented by the youth. The youth is also seen to be troubled when one of the boys kicks the flowers which shows that they are troubled, rebellious and that they don't really care much.
The youth is stereotyped as being very rebellious as 2 of the boys wanted to make a party at the other boys house while he is home alone. However, we know that usually the boy wouldn't be allowed to make a party at home therefore it will be without permission and then the boys will get in trouble.
Representation of Women
- beauty
- size/physique
- sexuality
- emotional
- relationships
- size/physique
- sexuality
- emotional
- relationships
Laura Mulvey:
She was a theorist and a feminist
Mulvey, came up with the concept on male gaze
in 1975.
Here Mulvey wrote a very influential essay ‘Visual
pleasure and Narrative Cinema’. Stating that women are used for visual
pleasure- women are made to seem like sexual objects through voyeurism.
she argued that women took the passive part
of a film and that all men played an active part, in her eye the women were
Van Zoonen –
feminism and patriarchy.
Van Zoonen
believes the media portray images of stereotypical women and this behaviour reinforces societal views.
The media
does this because they believe it reflects dominant social values (what people
believe in) and male producers are influenced by this. This is a patriarchy (a
society ran by men for men) which dominates and oppresses women.
Representation of Men

-sexual attractiveness
Men have always been seen as being stronger than women and more powerful therefore they have more rights than women.
They are usually dominant over women and they are the ones who have the control over women or things in general. Furthermore, they are seen as the more responsible and important person in a couple for example because they take of the women and they bring money home which is one of the most important things and therefore they do the more important role.
Lana Del Rey is naked which makes her look more attractive which is the main reason for which she is naked, because she will attract the attention of the audience especially of men, which is the purpose of the magazine which therefore means that she could have been used to get more views because she is a female. She is also in a feral position which presents her as being innocent and childlike. Her face expression looks as if she is scared and frightened and as if she is down therefore the audience will have the impression that she is very vulnerable. Furthermore, she is being objectified and the white background has the connotations of purity which suggests that she is a very real, true and innocent person. And lastly, the position she`s in is quit defensive which prooves that she could be frightened.
In contrast to Lana Del Rey, Tempar is presented in a far more positive light. Firstly, he is dressed in a suit which makes him look very formal and intelligent as well as grown up. This shows that he knows how to behave and is very appropriate for this type of adverts as it shows that he is the 'Artist of the year' which is something very significant therefore it means that he must be very representative (by wearing the suit) showing that he is on a high level and not embarasse himself. His body language is very effective for example the fact that he is standing straight up makes him look more powerful and dominant showing that he is a strong and independent person and artist who deserves this title. In addition to this, he is looks very attractive and the people can see that he has a pretty good body therefore he will be liked by the majority of the female audience. Other small details such as the glasses make him look very even more intelligent and formal. Furthermore some women prefer men with glasses therefore this increases his Tinnie`s chances to be liked by an even higher proportion of the audience and readers of the magazine. And lastly, we can see that he is looking directly at the camera therefore this shows that he is very serious and that he has a good level of confidence.
In conclusion, the representation of Tinnie is better and on a higher level as it is more trustworthy, representative and appropriate for this type of magazine and advert.

-sexual attractiveness
Men have always been seen as being stronger than women and more powerful therefore they have more rights than women.
They are usually dominant over women and they are the ones who have the control over women or things in general. Furthermore, they are seen as the more responsible and important person in a couple for example because they take of the women and they bring money home which is one of the most important things and therefore they do the more important role.

In contrast to Lana Del Rey, Tempar is presented in a far more positive light. Firstly, he is dressed in a suit which makes him look very formal and intelligent as well as grown up. This shows that he knows how to behave and is very appropriate for this type of adverts as it shows that he is the 'Artist of the year' which is something very significant therefore it means that he must be very representative (by wearing the suit) showing that he is on a high level and not embarasse himself. His body language is very effective for example the fact that he is standing straight up makes him look more powerful and dominant showing that he is a strong and independent person and artist who deserves this title. In addition to this, he is looks very attractive and the people can see that he has a pretty good body therefore he will be liked by the majority of the female audience. Other small details such as the glasses make him look very even more intelligent and formal. Furthermore some women prefer men with glasses therefore this increases his Tinnie`s chances to be liked by an even higher proportion of the audience and readers of the magazine. And lastly, we can see that he is looking directly at the camera therefore this shows that he is very serious and that he has a good level of confidence.
In conclusion, the representation of Tinnie is better and on a higher level as it is more trustworthy, representative and appropriate for this type of magazine and advert.
Stereotypes- 19/09/2018
Stereotypes- 19/09/2018
-loud, cockney accent
-heavy makeup
-spray tan
-skimpy clothes
-low intelligence
-short tempered
-short clothes
-think about sex only and link everything to sex
-play videogames
-higher status than men
-less important than men
-less rights
-make babies
-wear hoddies
-drugs, alcohol, knifes
-obsessed with phones
-don't care about anything
-obsessed with social media
-care too much about how they look
-old fashioned
-old way of thinking
-warm hearted
-like chicken and barbeuqes
-associated with gangs
-go to church
-drug addicts
-hate the english
Friday, 14 September 2018
Constructed media analysis of magazines- 14/09/2018
Constructed media (print)
Jeremy Corbyn (in the bin)

The pun ''cor-bin'' which is used is humoristic and presents Jeremy Corbyn in a negative light. The fact that he is in a bin shows the audience that there has been photoshop used which therefore suggests that he is not very respected by the society and causes him a even worse reputation. On the left side there is a listing which includes many negative word such as ''chuck'', ''enemy'', ''destroyer''.
This listing is symbolic as it persuades the audience to believe facts about Jeremy Corbin who they do not know for sure if they are true. The constructive media in this case has been used to give a fake and unrealistic representation of Jeremy Corbyn. The pun ''cor-bin'' is wirtten in massive sized letter in order to draw the attention of the readers ad make them believe that he`s not a good leader.
Moreover, the background of the magazine shows a mess which can mean that as soon as Corbyn gets ''out of the bin'' he makes a mess in the society and his actions do not lead to anything good. Therefore the background is a representation of what he will turn Britain into. And lastly, the face photoshop makes him look very grim and disgusting however this is very contradictory to the fact that he is still dressed in his signature suit which creates a great contrast. This could mean that by wearing his suit he wants to trick the people that he is a person on a high status and very proffesional but in reality his face represents his real personality and the fact that he is leading Britain into a chaos.
Jeremy Corbyn (Proffesional)

This magazine portrays Corbyn in a totally different view which is 100% positive. It gives him a positive lighting. His body language and structure show proffesionalism and his crossed arms can tell the audience and readers that he is very serious contender and he isn`t joking abou anything. It allows the audience to have trust in him and see him as a powerful and outstanding man. Having his head up also shows that he is overbearing and more important that the others therefore a high status man and above the others.
The background being white can symbolise purity and truthfullness meaning that he is very real and loyal and that he wouldn't lie or trick his people that are relying on him.As well as, having the white background causes the view to be focused on him showing his importance. He is shaved which suggests that he is a clean and good-looking man which is very important for the audience and the society. All of these aspects portray the fact that Jeremy Corbyn will be a good and serious leader which will lead Britain to many successes suggested by the white lighting and background which have positive connotations, unlike the first magazine.
Theresa May (legs)

The first thing that everyone would see is the legs of Theresa May which is higly offensive and sexist as it mainly focuses on them, and it makes people wonder whethever this can happen to men. Also, the picture is quit big therefore it takes most of the page which puts all the attention of the readers on the legs of the women. What is offensive is the fact that this picture can trick people into thinking that women only care about their outside look and representation however this is not true. This is also stereotypical to women and therefore it objectifies them and makes them look as if they are items that people especially men can own and have power over, however it should not be like this. The quote ''who won'' makes it look as if it is a competition and there should be a winner of this ''race''.
On the other hand, having Theresa May dressed like that and with these heels presents her in a very effective and pragmatic way as it displays her proffesionalism and shows that she is a powerful women that is very challenging and can be the cause of a very big a d positive change. She can be also used in order to symbolise the fact that women are powerful too and have equal tighs to men, and that they can be great leaders too.
Theresa May (heels)

Firstly, the audience can see a play in words- heel as in shoes and heel as in worship her. Also, the heels are very massive which is done in ordee to attract the attention of people. However the heel is quit small therefore it means that Theresa May has got a lot to improve in order to become a even better leader. Therefore, this can be offensive and sexist as it would show that women are once again treater worse than men with less power and rights. However on the other hand, under the shoe there is portraits of other men who are politics and the fact that the heel of Theresa May is above their head can mean that she is more powerful and important than them. So, the picture of the ''heel'' can have 2 very contrasting connotations. The pattern of the shoes and their colour is very challenging therefore it mirrors the personality of Theresa May. A challenging and progressive women.
The big shoe is very stereotypical too as it suggests that shoes are more important than the political ideologies, whereas this is not true.
Jeremy Corbyn (in the bin)

The pun ''cor-bin'' which is used is humoristic and presents Jeremy Corbyn in a negative light. The fact that he is in a bin shows the audience that there has been photoshop used which therefore suggests that he is not very respected by the society and causes him a even worse reputation. On the left side there is a listing which includes many negative word such as ''chuck'', ''enemy'', ''destroyer''.
This listing is symbolic as it persuades the audience to believe facts about Jeremy Corbin who they do not know for sure if they are true. The constructive media in this case has been used to give a fake and unrealistic representation of Jeremy Corbyn. The pun ''cor-bin'' is wirtten in massive sized letter in order to draw the attention of the readers ad make them believe that he`s not a good leader.
Moreover, the background of the magazine shows a mess which can mean that as soon as Corbyn gets ''out of the bin'' he makes a mess in the society and his actions do not lead to anything good. Therefore the background is a representation of what he will turn Britain into. And lastly, the face photoshop makes him look very grim and disgusting however this is very contradictory to the fact that he is still dressed in his signature suit which creates a great contrast. This could mean that by wearing his suit he wants to trick the people that he is a person on a high status and very proffesional but in reality his face represents his real personality and the fact that he is leading Britain into a chaos.
Jeremy Corbyn (Proffesional)

This magazine portrays Corbyn in a totally different view which is 100% positive. It gives him a positive lighting. His body language and structure show proffesionalism and his crossed arms can tell the audience and readers that he is very serious contender and he isn`t joking abou anything. It allows the audience to have trust in him and see him as a powerful and outstanding man. Having his head up also shows that he is overbearing and more important that the others therefore a high status man and above the others.
The background being white can symbolise purity and truthfullness meaning that he is very real and loyal and that he wouldn't lie or trick his people that are relying on him.As well as, having the white background causes the view to be focused on him showing his importance. He is shaved which suggests that he is a clean and good-looking man which is very important for the audience and the society. All of these aspects portray the fact that Jeremy Corbyn will be a good and serious leader which will lead Britain to many successes suggested by the white lighting and background which have positive connotations, unlike the first magazine.
Theresa May (legs)

The first thing that everyone would see is the legs of Theresa May which is higly offensive and sexist as it mainly focuses on them, and it makes people wonder whethever this can happen to men. Also, the picture is quit big therefore it takes most of the page which puts all the attention of the readers on the legs of the women. What is offensive is the fact that this picture can trick people into thinking that women only care about their outside look and representation however this is not true. This is also stereotypical to women and therefore it objectifies them and makes them look as if they are items that people especially men can own and have power over, however it should not be like this. The quote ''who won'' makes it look as if it is a competition and there should be a winner of this ''race''.
On the other hand, having Theresa May dressed like that and with these heels presents her in a very effective and pragmatic way as it displays her proffesionalism and shows that she is a powerful women that is very challenging and can be the cause of a very big a d positive change. She can be also used in order to symbolise the fact that women are powerful too and have equal tighs to men, and that they can be great leaders too.
Theresa May (heels)

Firstly, the audience can see a play in words- heel as in shoes and heel as in worship her. Also, the heels are very massive which is done in ordee to attract the attention of people. However the heel is quit small therefore it means that Theresa May has got a lot to improve in order to become a even better leader. Therefore, this can be offensive and sexist as it would show that women are once again treater worse than men with less power and rights. However on the other hand, under the shoe there is portraits of other men who are politics and the fact that the heel of Theresa May is above their head can mean that she is more powerful and important than them. So, the picture of the ''heel'' can have 2 very contrasting connotations. The pattern of the shoes and their colour is very challenging therefore it mirrors the personality of Theresa May. A challenging and progressive women.
The big shoe is very stereotypical too as it suggests that shoes are more important than the political ideologies, whereas this is not true.
Media Language- means the way in which a text is constructed to create meaning for a reader or viewer of the text.
Mise en Scene- the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.
Narrative- a spoken or written account of connected events; a story.
Editing- prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.
Camera work- the definition of camerawork is the technical work that a photographer does to take pictures. An example of camerawork is choosing a special lens to capture an image in a particular light.
Stereotype- a widely held but fixed idea, opinion and image of a particular thing or person.
Caricature- picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Anchorage- Anchorage is when a piece of media uses another piece of media to reduce the amount of connotations in the first, therefore allowing the audience to interpret it much more easily. For instance, in a newspaper, pictures are accompanied by a caption that allows us to understand what the picture is showing us.
Constructive media- this is an approach to communications which is designed for enhancing the understanding of its participants with the minimum of effort and errors.
Anchorage - Fixing of meaning e.g. the copy text anchors (i.e. fixes to one spot) the meaning of an image.
Banners – Typically found at the top or bottom of a print media text.
Broadsheet - Large format newspapers that report news in depth, often with a serious tone and higher level language. News is dominated by national and international events, politics, business, with less emphasis on celebrities and gossip. Examples: The Independent, The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph.
Byline - A journalist's name at the beginning of a story.
Captions – Text below an image that describes the image or informs the audience who took the image.
Copy - Main text of a story.
Coverlines – Captions on a magazine front cover.
Emotive Language – the use of language to generate specific emotional reactions in the target audience.
Headlines – The text highlighting the main story being given priority by the producers of the print media text. Often designed to be eye-catching.
Inverted pyramid structure - Newspaper stories start with the main events. Then they give more details and eyewitness comments in short paragraphs. The paragraphs at the end of the story are less important than those at the beginning. This allows sub-editors to shorten stories by cutting paragraphs from the end.
Layout – How the print media text has been designed and formatted.
Masthead - The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper’s title, price and date.
Sans Serif font – Font type which does not have lines perpendicular to the ends of letters e.g. Comic Sans – often seen as more contemporary. Think of Apple’s advertising
Serif font – Font type which does have lines perpendicular to the ends of letters e.g. Times New Roman – generally seen as more traditional or higher class.
Splash – The front page story
Sub-headings – Smaller, typically one line headlines for other stories.
Tabloid - Smaller newspapers aimed at a large audience. News is reported in less depth and emphasises human interest stories. The language level is lower, paragraphs and stories shorter, with more use of images. Content often includes more celebrities, media news and gossip. Examples: The Sun, The Mail, The Mirror, The Express
Text to image ratio – This involves considering how weighted the print media text is with regards to text and image – you need to ask yourself why the ratio exists.
Typography – The collective term when considering elements of print media relating to the style of the text such as the font, colour, serif, sans serif etc.
Header- a common text that is printed on the top of every page. Includes page number and heading above each collumn or paragraph.
Media Language- means the way in which a text is constructed to create meaning for a reader or viewer of the text.
Mise en Scene- the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.
Editing- prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.
Camera work- the definition of camerawork is the technical work that a photographer does to take pictures. An example of camerawork is choosing a special lens to capture an image in a particular light.
Stereotype- a widely held but fixed idea, opinion and image of a particular thing or person.
Caricature- picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Anchorage- Anchorage is when a piece of media uses another piece of media to reduce the amount of connotations in the first, therefore allowing the audience to interpret it much more easily. For instance, in a newspaper, pictures are accompanied by a caption that allows us to understand what the picture is showing us.
Constructive media- this is an approach to communications which is designed for enhancing the understanding of its participants with the minimum of effort and errors.
Representation- Representation is how media texts deal
with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social
issues and events to an audience.
Identity- is a socially and historically
constructed concept. ... Social and cultural identity is inextricably linked to
issues of power, value systems, and ideology . The media uses
representations—images, words, and characters or personae—to convey specific
ideas and values related to culture and identity in society.
Mediation- Every time we encounter a media text, we
are not seeing reality, but someone’s version of it.
Ideology- These are ideas and beliefs, held by media producers, which are often represented in their media texts.
Social power- In social science and politics, power is the ability to influence or outright control the behaviour of people. The term ''authority'' is often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure.
Hegemony- It is the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others. Just like the way USA dominates over other nations.
Hegemony- It is the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others. Just like the way USA dominates over other nations.
Theory of encoding and decoding
The theory states that media texts are
encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the text fills the
product with values and messages. The text is then decoded by the audience.
Different spectators will decode the text in
different ways, not always in the way the producer intended. A text can be
received in one of three ways;
Preferred Reading
is when the text is read in the way the producer intended the text to be read.
- The audience
agree with the messages and ideology that the producer has placed behind the
- This
is a compromise between the dominant reading and the oppositional reading of
the text.
- The audience
accepts the views of the producer but also has their own input and
understanding of the text.
- The
audience rejects the producers preferred reading and creates their own reading
of the text, usually this is the opposite of what the producer intended.
- The
reader rejects the meaning completely as they do not agree with the message
that is being presented to the audience.
Anchorage - Fixing of meaning e.g. the copy text anchors (i.e. fixes to one spot) the meaning of an image.
Banners – Typically found at the top or bottom of a print media text.
Broadsheet - Large format newspapers that report news in depth, often with a serious tone and higher level language. News is dominated by national and international events, politics, business, with less emphasis on celebrities and gossip. Examples: The Independent, The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph.
Byline - A journalist's name at the beginning of a story.
Captions – Text below an image that describes the image or informs the audience who took the image.
Copy - Main text of a story.
Coverlines – Captions on a magazine front cover.
Emotive Language – the use of language to generate specific emotional reactions in the target audience.
Headlines – The text highlighting the main story being given priority by the producers of the print media text. Often designed to be eye-catching.
Inverted pyramid structure - Newspaper stories start with the main events. Then they give more details and eyewitness comments in short paragraphs. The paragraphs at the end of the story are less important than those at the beginning. This allows sub-editors to shorten stories by cutting paragraphs from the end.
Layout – How the print media text has been designed and formatted.
Masthead - The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper’s title, price and date.
Sans Serif font – Font type which does not have lines perpendicular to the ends of letters e.g. Comic Sans – often seen as more contemporary. Think of Apple’s advertising
Serif font – Font type which does have lines perpendicular to the ends of letters e.g. Times New Roman – generally seen as more traditional or higher class.
Splash – The front page story
Sub-headings – Smaller, typically one line headlines for other stories.
Tabloid - Smaller newspapers aimed at a large audience. News is reported in less depth and emphasises human interest stories. The language level is lower, paragraphs and stories shorter, with more use of images. Content often includes more celebrities, media news and gossip. Examples: The Sun, The Mail, The Mirror, The Express
Text to image ratio – This involves considering how weighted the print media text is with regards to text and image – you need to ask yourself why the ratio exists.
Typography – The collective term when considering elements of print media relating to the style of the text such as the font, colour, serif, sans serif etc.
Header- a common text that is printed on the top of every page. Includes page number and heading above each collumn or paragraph.
Denotation- literally what we are seeing, reading
Connotation- the implied meaning
Saturated colours- refers to the intensity of a colour, it is a colour in its purest form. Bright colours which stand out , especially when set against ''complimentary colours''
Muted colours/unsaturated colours- Darker and dull colours, no light and brightness into them. Less eye catching but still work effectively.
Tag- a keyword or phrase used to group a collection of content together or to assign a piece of content to a specific person. Goes underneath the coverlines.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Constructive Media- representation of Mexico and analysis- 12/09/2018
Constructive Media
Caricature- picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
TASK 1- Trump VS Obama about Mexico
Trump's representation
Trump has presented Mexico in a negative way, saying that all Mexicans are ''criminals'' and ''drug dealers''. Therefore this representation could lead to people thinking and believing in what he says without actually knowing the truth. As we already know the fact that Mexicans are being stereotypes the one sided speach of Trump just shows that he supports these already existing stereotypes about the Mexicans.
''Both countries create misunderstandings''
''New Mexico is emerging, I see it''
''Citizens are standing up''
Obama's representation is completely different to Trump's representation as he views Mexico as an emerging and growing nation therefore he views it in a positive way. This creates a contrast between the two representations as Obama shows that he believes in Mexico changing and becoming better as a nation. As well as, he presents Mexico as forthcoming nation.
TASK 2- Channel 4- Serena Williams
Constructive media- this is an approach to communications which is designed for enhancing the understanding of its participants with the minimum of effort and errors.
Stereotype- a widely held but fixed idea, opinion and image of a particular thing or person.Caricature- picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
TASK 1- Trump VS Obama about Mexico
Trump's representation
Trump has presented Mexico in a negative way, saying that all Mexicans are ''criminals'' and ''drug dealers''. Therefore this representation could lead to people thinking and believing in what he says without actually knowing the truth. As we already know the fact that Mexicans are being stereotypes the one sided speach of Trump just shows that he supports these already existing stereotypes about the Mexicans.
Obama's representation
''Both countries create misunderstandings''
''New Mexico is emerging, I see it''
''Citizens are standing up''
Obama's representation is completely different to Trump's representation as he views Mexico as an emerging and growing nation therefore he views it in a positive way. This creates a contrast between the two representations as Obama shows that he believes in Mexico changing and becoming better as a nation. As well as, he presents Mexico as forthcoming nation. from
4:00 to 5:48
''Media are not windows on reality or mirrors of society''
- The hidden meaning behind this quote is that media can really twist the true story and present it in a really different way to the real one. Furthermore, this can have serious consequences because the people will have a wrong understanding and will then believe something which is not true. This therefore tricks the nation.
we say that all media messages are constructed, we mean that all media messages
have been assembled by someone. That “someone”''
TASK 2- Channel 4- Serena Williams
Serena's behaviour has been justified because of her anger and what has happened to her and she has been explained to have ''stood up to herself'' and the women that has been interviewed adds that '' there must be more people like that''. It is being said that Serena has always been treated badly like that therefore there was a reason for this aggressive behaviour from her side. However, the topic has only been discussed with females therefore this is not fair as there needs to be a male added into the interview so the audience can see the opinion of a male onto this issue. This will allow a comparison to be made.
TASK 3- Racist cartoon based on Serena's case
The image is offensive in every way because it firstly a distraught. Moreover, knowing that the producer of this cartoon is in his 40's portrays to the audience that his behaviour is absolutely absent. In order to be a producer, you must know the borders to what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable however this cartoon clearly shows that he doesn't know these borders. Therefore this presents the producer in a very negative light as his cartoon is very very racist and it also shows that he doesn't have the right behaviour in order to be a producer.
TASK 4- LYNX advert and theme of gender
Lynx is usually a product for the use of men. Firstly the advert can be very offensive in different ways. The stereotypes linked to this advert is the domestication at war where men work and women stay at home cooking and looking after the children. Also. it is linked to the objectification of women and meaning that they are being treated like objects. And lastly, the picture of the women is like a coder to how women should look therefore this is offensive to other women who have different body shapes.
The only way is Essex
Mise en scene
The girls in the show are bvery dressed up and made up. They were wearing glittery and shiny clothes in order to represent how most of the girls in Essex dress like and look like. The shiny clothes also draws the attention on them and makes them look mportant.
The girls in the show are bvery dressed up and made up. They were wearing glittery and shiny clothes in order to represent how most of the girls in Essex dress like and look like. The shiny clothes also draws the attention on them and makes them look mportant.
Camera work
The camera is focused on the girl and boy arguing at the end therefore it focuses the audience's attention on them.
There is music on the background however it was getting quiter when the characters were talking to focus the attention on them. The show builds up the tension as the arguments began.
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