Jeremy Corbyn (in the bin)

The pun ''cor-bin'' which is used is humoristic and presents Jeremy Corbyn in a negative light. The fact that he is in a bin shows the audience that there has been photoshop used which therefore suggests that he is not very respected by the society and causes him a even worse reputation. On the left side there is a listing which includes many negative word such as ''chuck'', ''enemy'', ''destroyer''.
This listing is symbolic as it persuades the audience to believe facts about Jeremy Corbin who they do not know for sure if they are true. The constructive media in this case has been used to give a fake and unrealistic representation of Jeremy Corbyn. The pun ''cor-bin'' is wirtten in massive sized letter in order to draw the attention of the readers ad make them believe that he`s not a good leader.
Moreover, the background of the magazine shows a mess which can mean that as soon as Corbyn gets ''out of the bin'' he makes a mess in the society and his actions do not lead to anything good. Therefore the background is a representation of what he will turn Britain into. And lastly, the face photoshop makes him look very grim and disgusting however this is very contradictory to the fact that he is still dressed in his signature suit which creates a great contrast. This could mean that by wearing his suit he wants to trick the people that he is a person on a high status and very proffesional but in reality his face represents his real personality and the fact that he is leading Britain into a chaos.
Jeremy Corbyn (Proffesional)

This magazine portrays Corbyn in a totally different view which is 100% positive. It gives him a positive lighting. His body language and structure show proffesionalism and his crossed arms can tell the audience and readers that he is very serious contender and he isn`t joking abou anything. It allows the audience to have trust in him and see him as a powerful and outstanding man. Having his head up also shows that he is overbearing and more important that the others therefore a high status man and above the others.
The background being white can symbolise purity and truthfullness meaning that he is very real and loyal and that he wouldn't lie or trick his people that are relying on him.As well as, having the white background causes the view to be focused on him showing his importance. He is shaved which suggests that he is a clean and good-looking man which is very important for the audience and the society. All of these aspects portray the fact that Jeremy Corbyn will be a good and serious leader which will lead Britain to many successes suggested by the white lighting and background which have positive connotations, unlike the first magazine.
Theresa May (legs)

The first thing that everyone would see is the legs of Theresa May which is higly offensive and sexist as it mainly focuses on them, and it makes people wonder whethever this can happen to men. Also, the picture is quit big therefore it takes most of the page which puts all the attention of the readers on the legs of the women. What is offensive is the fact that this picture can trick people into thinking that women only care about their outside look and representation however this is not true. This is also stereotypical to women and therefore it objectifies them and makes them look as if they are items that people especially men can own and have power over, however it should not be like this. The quote ''who won'' makes it look as if it is a competition and there should be a winner of this ''race''.
On the other hand, having Theresa May dressed like that and with these heels presents her in a very effective and pragmatic way as it displays her proffesionalism and shows that she is a powerful women that is very challenging and can be the cause of a very big a d positive change. She can be also used in order to symbolise the fact that women are powerful too and have equal tighs to men, and that they can be great leaders too.
Theresa May (heels)

Firstly, the audience can see a play in words- heel as in shoes and heel as in worship her. Also, the heels are very massive which is done in ordee to attract the attention of people. However the heel is quit small therefore it means that Theresa May has got a lot to improve in order to become a even better leader. Therefore, this can be offensive and sexist as it would show that women are once again treater worse than men with less power and rights. However on the other hand, under the shoe there is portraits of other men who are politics and the fact that the heel of Theresa May is above their head can mean that she is more powerful and important than them. So, the picture of the ''heel'' can have 2 very contrasting connotations. The pattern of the shoes and their colour is very challenging therefore it mirrors the personality of Theresa May. A challenging and progressive women.
The big shoe is very stereotypical too as it suggests that shoes are more important than the political ideologies, whereas this is not true.
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