Wednesday 12 September 2018

Constructive Media- representation of Mexico and analysis- 12/09/2018

Constructive Media 


Constructive media- this is an approach to communications which is designed for enhancing the understanding of its participants with the minimum of effort and errors.

Stereotype- a widely held but fixed idea, opinion and image of a particular thing or person. 

Caricature- picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

TASK 1- Trump VS Obama about Mexico

Trump's representation

Trump has presented Mexico in a negative way, saying that all Mexicans are ''criminals'' and ''drug dealers''. Therefore this representation could lead to people thinking and believing in what he says without actually knowing the truth. As we already know the fact that Mexicans are being stereotypes the one sided speach of Trump just shows that he supports these already existing stereotypes about the Mexicans.

Obama's representation 

''Both countries create misunderstandings''
''New Mexico is emerging, I see it''
''Citizens are standing up''

Obama's representation is completely different to Trump's representation as he views Mexico as an emerging and growing nation therefore he views it in a positive way. This creates a contrast between the two representations as Obama shows that he believes in Mexico changing and becoming better as a nation. As well as, he presents Mexico as forthcoming nation. 

''Media are not windows on reality or mirrors of society''
- The hidden meaning behind this quote is that media can really twist the true story and present it in  a really different way to the real one. Furthermore, this can have serious consequences because the people will have a wrong understanding and will then believe something which is not true. This therefore tricks the nation. 

''When we say that all media messages are constructed, we mean that all media messages have been assembled by someone. That “someone”''

TASK 2- Channel 4- Serena Williams

Serena's behaviour has been justified because of her anger and what has happened to her and she has been explained to have ''stood up to herself'' and the women that has been interviewed adds that '' there must be more people like that''. It is being said that Serena has always been treated badly like that therefore there was a reason for this aggressive behaviour from her side. However, the topic has only been  discussed with females therefore this is not fair as there needs to be a male added into the interview so the audience can see the opinion of a male onto this issue. This will allow a comparison to be made. 

TASK 3- Racist cartoon based on Serena's case 

The image is offensive in every way because it firstly a distraught. Moreover, knowing that the producer of this cartoon is in his 40's portrays to the audience that his behaviour is absolutely absent. In order to be a producer, you must know the borders to what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable however this cartoon clearly shows that he doesn't know these borders. Therefore this presents the producer in a very negative light as his cartoon is very very racist and it also shows that he doesn't have the right behaviour in order to be a producer.

TASK 4- LYNX advert and theme of gender 

Lynx is usually a product for the use of men. Firstly the advert can be very offensive in different ways. The stereotypes linked to this advert is the domestication at war where men work and women stay at home cooking and looking after the children. Also. it is linked to the objectification of women and meaning that they are being treated like objects. And lastly, the picture of the women is like a coder to how women should look therefore this is offensive to other women who have different body shapes. 

The only way is Essex

Mise en scene
The girls in the show are bvery dressed up and made up. They were wearing glittery and shiny clothes in order to represent how most of the girls in Essex dress like and look like. The shiny clothes also draws the attention on them and makes them look mportant. 

Camera work
The camera is focused on the girl and boy arguing at the end therefore it focuses the audience's attention on them.


There is music on the background however it was getting quiter when the characters were talking to focus the attention on them.  The show builds up the tension as the arguments began. 

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